It’s really never too soon to begin planning for a move. The planning process means a lot of organizing. If you plan well, the whole process can be much easier to handle. Your new home is well worth the effort. You should start your moving process at least 8 weeks before the actual day. Here is a helpful checklist and timetable to make your move a little easier.
This checklist is a great way to involve the entire family in the move and to spread some of the responsibilities to each person, including your children.
Eight weeks before moving:
- Go through the garage, basement and attic and dispose of those things you know you won’t need in your new home. Anything not being moved should be sold at a garage sale or donated to charity.
- Obtain a mail subscription to the local paper in your new community to familiarize yourself with local government, community, and social news and activities.
- Call at least three different moving companies for estimates. If you prefer to handle the move yourself, contact rental truck companies for details.
- Begin to inventory and evaluate your possessions.
- Place all of your valuables in a safety deposit box (so you know where they are while packing).
- Start to use up things you can’t move, such as frozen foods and cleaning supplies.
Six weeks before moving:
- Start packing what you can.
- If you’re moving at an employer’s request, verify what expenses and responsibilities are theirs and which are yours.
- Contact the IRS and/or your accountant for information on what moving expenses may be tax-deductible.
- Arrange for copies of medical, dental and other professional records to be sent to your new location.
- Obtain copies of eyeglass and medical prescriptions.
- Register your children for school and arrange for transcripts to be forwarded to the new school.
- Open a bank account and establish credit at your new location.
- Start making travel plans. If you belong to a club or organization that provides travel advisory services, contact them soon.
- Make a list of those you want to notify of your change of address (magazine publishers, insurance companies, national credit card companies, brokers, attorneys, relatives and friends).
- Cancel/transfer memberships in religious, civic, social and fraternal organizations.
- Have your car checked and serviced for the trip.
- Locate all auto licensing and registration documents.
- If some of your goods are to be stored, make the necessary arrangements now.
- Ask your veterinarian about shipping pets and get record of inoculations.
Four weeks before moving:
- Close all local charge accounts and destroy any credit cards you won’t need in your new location.
- Notify utility companies of the date you want service discontinued or transferred to new owner and request refund of any deposits.
- Notify the post office of your move date and arrange for the first class mail to be forwarded. Send out change of address cards.
- Find out the requirements for driver’s license and auto registration in your new location, if you are moving out of state.
- Discontinue home delivery of newspapers and any other home delivery items.
- Return library books, video’s, and other borrowed articles. Retrieve any items you may have loaned out.
- Contact insurance companies (auto, homeowner’s, medical, and life) to arrange for coverage in your new home.
- If you’re packing yourself, purchase packing boxes from your local mover. Pack items that you won’t be needing in the next month.
- Plan a garage sale to sell unneeded items or arrange to donate them to charity.
Two weeks before moving:
- Collect important papers (insurance, will,deeds, stock, etc.).
- Continue to pack, pack, pack !!!
The week before moving:
- Retrieve valuables from safety deposit box and close your bank accounts.
- Arrange to take valuables with you or send ahead by registered mail. Movers will not take valuables such as money, securities, stamp or coin collections and jewelry.
- Set aside toys and games children might want to have with them on the trip.
- Set aside items that you want to be given special handling by the mover.
- Prepare a list of those things you want to “load last,” so you can get them first during unloading.
- Dispose of any flammable or combustible materials. The mover will not take materials such as gasoline, paint thinner, ammunition.
- Pick up articles of clothing at the cleaners.
- Service all small gas-powered vehicles/appliances. Drain oil and gas from snowmobiles, power mowers, etc. for fire prevention while moving.
- Determine at least one entire room for movers and packers to work uninhibited.
- Organize manuals and instructions of your former home for the new buyer.
- Give away any plants not being moved.
- Arrange for transportation of houseplants yourself, many moving companies will not handle them for you.
- Plan special needs for children and pets.
The day before moving:
- The packing crew usually arrives the day before the van is loaded. Be sure someone is on hand to supervise the packing. Never leave until the packers have. You should spend the entire day at the house.
- Pack any valuables you intend to take with you. Keep all small valuables (jewelry, vital documents, etc.) with you at all times. Or send them to your new address using Registered Mail.
- Make sure fragile items receive special attention. Label cartons as to contents and where they go in the new home.
- Empty, defrost, and wash out the refrigerator and freezer.
- Notify police if your home will be unoccupied after you leave.
- Inform friends and relatives of your planned route to your new home (all stops including major restaurants and hotels) in case of emergency.
Moving day:
- Plan an early, simple breakfast.
- Never leave until the movers have. You should spend the entire day at the house.
- Oversee the inventory of your possessions, informing the movers and packers of fragile valuable items. However, don’t interfere with their jobs unless absolutely necessary.
- Find out the Moving Truck Driver’s name and make certain he knows how to reach you at the destination. You should give him your new home phone number and emergency contact numbers (cell phone, pager, etc.). Receive his or his company’s contact number for information while en route. Receive his complete planned driving route. Accompany him to the weigh station if possible.
- Check the mover’s inventory to see that you agree with the mover’s judgment on the condition of your household goods. Take photographs if there is a dispute.
- Make sure you get a copy of the inventory.
- Load those things you are taking on the trip, including luggage.
- Search every room before the van leaves. Double . . . triple check every room and compartment within the house: all closets and cupboards, the attic, the basement, the garage, etc. Make sure nothing is left behind.
- Check the bill of lading for completeness before you sign it. Retain a copy for your records.
- Prepare the house for final departure by shutting off all utilities. Lock all doors and windows. Notify your Realtor, the new owner and/or your former neighbors that the house is empty.
- Gather keys to the house and arrange to leave them with the new owners of your home, your Realtor, or a trusted neighbor.
Arrival at your new home:
- Get there before the movers. There could be a waiting charge if you are late.
- Contact utility companies.
- Confirm all utilities are working including, furnace, and hot water heater, so you can contact a repairman immediately if something is not working.
- Check household goods carefully as they are unloaded for loss or damage. List all lost or damaged items on the inventory form.
- Since you will probably do some unpacking after the movers leave, make a note on the inventory “subject to inspection for concealed damage.”
- Ask the mailman if he is holding any mail for your arrival.
After you move:
- Obtain necessary licenses: driver’s, automobile, dog, etc.
- Contact newspapers,dairy, etc., for home deliveries.
- Register car at new address. You usually have 5 days before a penalty will be applied.
- Register to vote. Every change of address requires a new registration.
- Obtain new emergency phone numbers of police/fire departments and nearest hospital.