17 Simple Things To Make Your Home More Marketable

Find My Dream Home1.  Make sure your entrance way says, “Hey, look at me!”


2.  Prune dead limbs from trees.


3.  Paint (or touch up) exterior, and repair screens and windows.


4.  Clean your windows.


5.  Check A/C and heating systems.


6.  Fix leaky faucets, toilets, and faulty lights.


7.  Vacuum drapes and carpets.


8.  Repair wall cracks, re-caulk bathrooms and kitchen.


9.  Clear out closets.


10.  Remove excess furniture.


11.  Ensure windows, doors, and locks work smoothly.


12. Keep cats and dogs out of visitors’ way.


13. Mow lawn, edge driveway and walkways.


14. Weed flowerbeds and trim shrubs.


15. Throw out junk from garage and storage areas.


16. Clean lawn furniture.


17. If you have a pool, make it crystal clear.